mkmikas : Contains spoilers. Click to show. i have a more tranquil setting on the loo, paintings of the forest, flower arrangements.. ...
moeaddasi : Sorry I had to... You never looked at the mirror while shitting before ?
mkmikas : never seen a whale shit before..
tyetoes : This was certainly not what i expected.i just love demi moore.A good lesson on vanity!Get ...
GeminiSaga : This still holds up almost 20 years later
gldmediatv : Really-ЖЖЖЖ-Struggle to imagine what the first was like ?
IceKreamSundaze : lol crazy
mikebcarguy : The story by Ambrose Bierce (and the Twilight Zone episode), "An Occurrence at Owl Creek B...
kkarlz : Thanks for the suggestion, gonna watch that next :)
Harthal : I think Skinwalker Ranch, Oak Island, and Blind Frog ranch all have the same producer or s...
Russia and China were our allies in every World war, you know, the good guys. If any one country wanted an insane manipulatable president of the USA they got their wish Jan 6th 2021. If you want to talk about ‘neutrality’ let’s not forget to mention the country that sat on it’s ass for 2 years while London was bombed. If Japan hadn’t attacked Pearl Harbour and Germany declared war on them all of Germany would be now speaking Russian.
Some Germans do speak Russian. Remember, the USSR owned half of Germany for decades. Do you really think they were allowed to speak only German?
What we got on Jan. 6, 2021 was a bunch of whackos attacking the capitol for the first time since the Civil War — which they celebrate every day with all their confederate flags and shite. I’ve never seen people celebrate a war they lost. They just have no shame, do they? “Hey, we’re a bunch of traitorous thugs who tried to overturn the government TWICE!” They lost the first time, they’ll lose the second time.