Midsommar (2019)
ari3lsss -1 points 5 years ago.

I mean.. who looks like the bigger cry baby, the person who down voted your comment or you for making another childish comment getting all butthurt over a down vote? Come on man..how pathetic can you be? I would down vote your comments myself if my iPad showed that option.

stormbringer -8 points 5 years ago*.

or how about the dbag who didn’t even get that I was being facetious… yeah, look it up, I’ll wait. That was actually a light hearted jab at the idiots who whine endlessly about getting down voted, but I guess that blew right over your head. You’re probably one of them from how you felt the need to wax idiotic over something so petty… and then to brand name-drop as if we’re supposed to be impressed.. both pretentious and pathetic. yawwwwwn