simones : very funny and very cool
michaelmyers : f it i am in !!'''''''''''' going to watch it ''lol
Ozymandias75 : several years ago there was a tv series called, "once upon a time" in that series snow whi...
yonkk : Good action actors but against the dark CG, all looks a blur. Never forget the power of ...
hellsingfan01 : Yup exactly plus this movie is one giant facepalm.
hellsingfan01 : Simple because that would actually require Disney to do something new and creative and why...
Ismet : Yea~~~ im gonna pass. I have so much fun reading the comments in here and on the tube rath...
random000 : He's also in this fun version of The Three Musketeers:
Rix : At last. After trying since 10:30 pm 3am this WAS CUTE SHORT.
In the comics, Kang was kind of a catch-all villain who bounces around in time and often goes by other names or impersonates other people. There’s a fabulous song by Ookla the Mok based on that premise called “Everybody’s Kang The Conqueror”. (let’s see if we can post links here):
wait a minute wasnt ookla the mok the big hairy guy in thundaarr the barbarian?