Evil (2019) S3 E10
FillipW -4 points 2 years ago.

This show has gotten rotten

r00t2400 1 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

yeah it kinda ost me when grace who had met leland before i believe just didnt mention to anyone who came to kill her and the priest. and then the nun killing all the demons with a shovel followed by the demon gathering and somehow the therapist is there in their house also. like wtf and kristen waltzing into df and seeing her mom and leland with lelands now babies momma and kristens baby. yikes talk about jumpingg the shark. and the part when her daughter said the thing thru the wall told her to go get a glass and it will make the glass break what did that even mean. i just dont think i can do it again next season.