While Thorsten Beckershoff, a young police officer, was guarding a pharmacy during a demonstration in downtown Hamburg, he was severely beaten by three hooded men. For Casstorff, the case is particularly explosive because his son Daniel also took part in the demonstration and was provisionally arrested for "resisting state authority". A surveillance camera provides the police with material about the crime, and the trail quickly leads to the autonomous Robby "King" Bastner. A search is initiated, the BKA takes over the case. When Chief Inspector Casstorff visits the injured police officer in the hospital with Daniel, he meets his girlfriend Angela Meerbaum and her three best friends, who have known each other since school. They are Thomas Wichelhaus, the owner of the pharmacy that Beckershoff was guarding, Michael Loose, a building contractor, and State Councilor Michael Pfeiffer. In her emotional turmoil, Angela Meerbaum reacted extremely angrily to Casstorff and Daniel's visit. Shortly thereafter, Beckershoff succumbs to his injuries. While the investigations in the Autonomenszene progress, Casstorff suspects that there could be more behind the crime and begins to investigate in the immediate vicinity of the dead man. Meanwhile, Casstorff is under pressure because of Daniel's behavior at the demonstration. Even the State Council gets involved. During their research, Casstorff and his colleagues Holicek and Graf encounter strange inconsistencies. Thorsten Beckershoff lived well beyond his means, and his ex-girlfriend, the mother of his child, does not say a good word about him. Casstorff and his team begin to unravel private motives and the background to the crime, which sheds new light on the case.
Farmboy41 : They would not let me in because of my physical limitations. To be honest I wouldn't want ...