Bad Universe is a television series on the Discovery Channel that attempts to explain some of the phenomena in the universe, while demystifying those that are harder to prove. The show is hosted by Phil Plait, an American astronomer who has spend much of his career dispelling misconceptions about the physical world. His show Bad Universe takes this commitment to universal truth to new levels. Throughout the episodes, Plait goes to tasks against what he calls "bad science," debunking false claims that get passed around as scientific truths about astronomy. Much like Mythbusters, much of the things Plait tries to demystify is the type of science you see in blockbuster Hollywood movies. Asteroid apocalypses, among other cataclysmic scenarios, are played out and scrutinized for their legitimacy. In addition to letting you know whether or not the event is plausible, Plait proposes a few ways to prevent them for happening, or at least mitigating their overall destructiveness.

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Released: August 29, 2010
Runtime: 60 min
Countries: United States
Companies: Discovery Channel
Cast: Phil Plait

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