A woman is found dead at Tropical Land in the woman's bathroom with a dying message: "S smeared in blood and KIX on her phone"
Yurocalling : LOL that she was! good acting
hellsingfan01 : There's a request button.
yellow_rose1 : what a horrible way to live in die, in L.A. We all miss you Matthew RIP
AdChris : where would you start ?
bigguy01 : season 3 aired 1996 yet somehow feels relevant with politics and society of today. first t...
Joosh-ozzono : Yeah, it's pretty neat, am I a robot dreaming about mushrooms?
Patchouligal2 : Wow...this is so amazing... Really glad I found it!!
smegheadtardis : Excellent deadpan Brit humour, but please skip the bad American remake as it was not at a...
pramwire : "No Flipping"
random000 : This toon is a good mirror for our society to look at with its incorrect thinking & wrong ...
Yurocalling : LOL that she was! good acting