Game of Crowns is a docu-series that follows six pageant wives competing on the "Mrs." circuit whose lives revolve around glamour, perfection and winning at any cost. The cast includes Shelley Carbone, Lynne Diamante, Leha Guilmette, Lori-Ann Marchese, Susanna Paliotta, and Vanassa Sebastian. From trophy wives to pageant moms, these ultra-competitive ladies share their love of the game and will stop at nothing to win local and national pageants for beauty queen status. In each hour-long episode, the ladies will compete to snatch the spotlight while viewers watch their intense preparation that includes obsessing over the perfect swimsuit, working tirelessly with trainers and honing their interview skills with coaches -- all while being dedicated mothers and wives. How will the women settle their scores both on the stage and off? |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | July 13, 2014 | |
Runtime: | 60 min | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | Bravo | |
Cast: | Vanassa Sebastian Susanna Paliotta Shelley Carbone Lynne Diamante Lori-Ann Marchese Leha Guilmette | |
med109 : Not sure what to think yet. Don't care for the daughters voice. Kept waiting to hear someo...