Hoshitani Yuuta enters Ayana Academy, a school focusing on show business activities, specifically music. The academy has a group of three students with the highest grades in the musical department, and they are known as the Kao Kai (Cherry Blossom Flower Association). This organization stands at the top of the pecking order within the academy. The shortcut to entering the musical department is to enter the Star Frame class, which is directly taught by the members, and to be recognized by them. Unfortunately, due to their own problems, students Touru, Kaito, Kakeru, Shuu, and Yuuta are all struggling to even remain candidates for the musical department. By a stroke of luck, however, the five are spotted by Kao Kai member Ootori, and they attract his interest.

To Be Determined
  • Currently 68.0/5
(5 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: No Rating
Released: October 5, 2015
Runtime: 25 min
Genres: Drama Music Anime
AKA: Haisukūrusutā Myūjikaru, High School Star Musical - (previous title), Koukou Hoshi Kageki, Star-myu, STARMYU, ハイスクールスター・ミュージカル, 高校星歌劇[スタミュ]
Countries: Japan
Companies: Tokyo MX C-Station
Cast: Takehito Koyasu Toshiyuki Morikawa Yoshitsugu Matsuoka Junichi Suwabe Nobuhiko Okamoto Yoshimasa Hosoya Nobunaga Shimazaki Natsuki Hanae Tomoaki Maeno Wataru Hatano Kousuke Toriumi 12 more


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