Junjou Romantica is an anime that follows the lives and loves of three shonen-ai (boy-love) couples. The stories are divided into 3 groups: Junjou Romantica, Junjou Egoist, and Junjou Terrorist. The first couple is Misaki and Akihito. It is the story about Misaki having to live with his brother's childhood friend, Akihito. Akihito is completely in love with Misaki's older brother, so he would do anything he asks of him, even if it means putting up with his idiotic, little brother. But, after Misaki's older brother gets marries, how will Akihito deal with the heartbreak? The story continues will Misaki consoling Akihito, but sometimes consoling turns into romance. Also, there is Hiroki, another one of Akihito's childhood friends, who is very in love with Akihito. The problem is, Akihito doesn't think of Hiroki in any way other than friendship. Luckily for Hiroki, he meets Nowaki. Nowak |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 7.5/10 | |
Released: | April 10, 2008 | |
Runtime: | 25 min | |
Genres: | Drama Romance Anime | |
AKA: | Junjo Romantica | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Companies: | Tokyo MX Studio Deen | |
Cast: | Takahiro Sakurai Kazuhiko Inoue Kentaro Ito Daisuke Kishio Nobutoshi Canna Hikaru Hanada | |
Jen68g : OK thanks, it would be a case of my prossopagnosia (face blindness) I've obviously been co...