The Venture Bros. is an American animated television series that premiered on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim on February 16, 2003. The series mixes action and comedy together while it chronicles the adventures of the Venture family: well-meaning but incompetent teenagers Hank and Dean Venture; their emotionally insecure, ethically challenged super-scientist father Dr. Thaddeus "Rusty" Venture; the family's bodyguard, originally the ultra-violent and macho secret agent Brock Samson and his later replacement, reformed super villain and "cured" pedophile Sergeant Hatred; and the family's self-proclaimed arch-nemesis, the Monarch, a butterfly-themed super villain. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 8.3/10 | |
Released: | February 16, 2003 | |
Runtime: | 30 min | |
Genres: | Adventure Comedy | |
AKA: | The Venture Brothers | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | Adult Swim Williams Street Titmouse World Leaders Entertainment Astro Base GO! | |
Cast: | Patrick Warburton James Urbaniak Michael Sinterniklaas Doc Hammer Christopher McCulloch | |
Crew: | Chris Prynoski Shannon Prynoski Keith Crofford Rachel Simon Michael Lazzo PeeDee Shindell Dave Paterson Doc Hammer Steve Jacobson Christopher McCulloch Jeffrey Nodelman 7 more Charlie Miller Adam Modiano J.G. Thirlwell Steven S. H. Yoon Nathan Graf Elizabeth Winter Damian Volpe | |
jamouyi : dont know why they made watchmen 1 and 2 when so far it doesnt stray that far from the mov...