The Guild is a comedy web series about a group of online gamers. The show started in 2007, and for the first season, was solely supported by LOYAL FANS through Paypal, before Kickstarter was created. From seasons 2-5 the show was sponsored by Xbox in a groundbreaking web video deal that kept the show independently owned, and then ended its run on YouTube in 2012 with the final season 6. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 8.2/10 | |
Released: | July 27, 2007 | |
Runtime: | 7 min | |
Genres: | Comedy Fantasy | |
Companies: | YouTube | |
Cast: | Wil Wheaton Felicia Day Jeff Lewis Amy Okuda Robin Thorsen Sandeep Parikh Vincent Caso | |
A milestone in the new media history. The original webseries that made online media mainstream. A labour of love by the genious Felicia Day and a really talented cast. This is literal tv history. Costumes and props used in this show are in The Smithsonian Museum right now.