Chelsea argues with Adam about child support and finds out he has a new girlfriend, while Jenelle has to face the music about using her mom's credit cards.
Birdsforme : I agree. I usually do not watch animation, but really enjoyed this.
grasshopper rex : Looks like it's all on VidSrc. If you don't know what that is
magically_delicious : Nontheless, it is not the story. Thanks so much!
magically_delicious : What an enjoyable farce. This really reminding me, well, had lashings of the great movie ...
Lulusbay : The suggestion to watch this came up on an IG list.... so I went in blind. OMG... I had n...
Geogenesis : I've never even heard of this one. Looks interesting. Saving for later.
greenguy86 : It's a good one, not a typical Sandler movie.
JoMoCo : " out on the lamb again"
Birdsforme : This lovely animation is set from the time of Raymond Briggs parents meeting till and incl...
random000 : Anthony Lucas scores with style & story evocative of Jules Verne, Tim Burton, Guy Maddin &...
Birdsforme : I agree. I usually do not watch animation, but really enjoyed this.