BrainDead is a comic-thriller set in the world of Washington, D.C. politics that follows Laurel, a young, fresh-faced Hill staffer who discovers two things: the government has stopped working, and bugs are eating the brains of congress members and Hill staffers. The daughter of a Democratic political dynasty who left Washington, D.C. to become a documentary filmmaker, Laurel is pulled back into the family business when her brother, Luke, the Democratic whip Senator from Maryland, needs her help running his senate office. On the Hill, Laurel becomes unlikely friends with Gareth, the smart, hardworking Legislative Director to a top Republican, Senator Red Wheatus. Her other allies include Gustav, an eccentric genius who is the first in D.C. to recognize that something sinister is attacking the Capitol, and Rochelle, a medical student who teams up with Laurel and Gustav to protect and defend the citizens of D.C. from an untimely fate. As the tiny bugs continue to multiply, Laurel and her allies must work quickly to identify the other-worldly creatures, stop their infiltration and ultimately save the world.

  • Currently 87.74193548387096/5
(31 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 8.0/10
Released: June 13, 2016
Runtime: 60 min
Genres: Drama Thriller Comedy
AKA: Brain Dead
Countries: United States
Companies: CBS Scott Free Productions King Size Productions CBS Studios
Cast: Mary Elizabeth Winstead Tony Shalhoub Danny Pino Aaron Tveit Nikki M. James Johnny Ray Gill Jan Maxwell Charlie Semine
Crew: Ridley Scott Robert King David W. Zucker David Buckley David Brooks Chris Wright Mark Saks Michelle King Jason B. Harkins Sharyn Gersh John Andrews 31 more

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