Outcast follows Kyle Barnes, a young man who has been plagued by possession since he was a child. Now an adult, he embarks on a journey to find answers but what he uncovers could mean the end of life on Earth as we know it.
- Currently 88.57142857142857/5
(21 votes)
Wow! This show is freaky!
I think this one is going to be a winner if you enjoyed other series such as “The Exorcist” and “Evil”. I typically don’t watch series with only 2 season’s as they tend to leave off with too many unanswered questions and a big ole unfinished plot line (worst offender of this was “Zoo”). But, one episode was enough to keep this fish on the hook.
I cant WAIT for EVIL to come back on. Won’t be long now.. Maniacal laughing
Rip Peter Scolari Honey I shrunk the kids one for favorites list.
*You are on the water retaining land mass’s things to do list. Snort ( like pigs tend to do )
Evil is the one show I have been checking on every week/month anticipating the next season. It is SO well done, and Leland PERFECTLY despicable, you hate to love him. My favorite interactions are between Leland and Kat, especially when she corners him in the hallway one day, slowly reaches down, takes off her shoe, smiles, nonchalantly approaches him, then, THWACK!!!! with the shoe I had to rewatch that part at least 6 times LOL.
Exactly!! Oh I haaate Leland hahaha! hysterical
Know exactly what you’re talking about Twack! Hahah
Perfect cast ! I can’t wait ! By the way I tried to get through the first four minutes of outcast but I was having lunch I’ll try again lol later
Almost through the first season now . Thanks for recommending this .
No problem, it isn’t the BEST, but it ain’t bad and it’s more than acceptable if you can’t find anything else.
Not bad. Gives Exorcist vibes. The writing is getting better.