"One Bad Choice" is a 10-episode series that explores the consequences of young people who made a single, terrible decision that irrevocably changed their lives forever. Each 60-minute program focuses in-depth on a true story that's narrated by the actual participants and includes recreations with actors to portray the events that occurred. In this first season of 'One Bad Choice,' viewers will be introduced to a wide range of stories, situations, and people who've had their lives upended by a single lapse in judgment. Participants include Dona, who as a high school student took Ecstasy with a friend and suffered dire consequences as a result; Levi, a teenager who became unwittingly involved in a robbery that ended in tragedy; Meili, who blindly became part of an enormous illegal drug-selling operation; Kumari, a bright college student who exacted revenge on a boyfriend in a way that she'll regret for the rest of her life; and Michelle, a young woman whose fake pregnancy to gain attention for herself spiraled out of control in unimaginable ways. Shocking, surprising, and deeply emotional, 'One Bad Choice' serves up highly emotional, cautionary tales that take viewers on a roller coaster ride filled with shocking twists and turns, suspense, drama, and redemption. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | February 25, 2015 | |
Runtime: | 60 min | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | MTV MTV News and Docs Optomen Productions Jax Media | |
greenguy86 : I think the first 2 seasons cover the first book. So season 3 will be book 2, then season ...