The 13th "Croatia crime thriller" leads into the wild and romantic prairie landscape of Dalmatia: What begins with a mysterious death leads to a bitter family conflict. As a well-rehearsed investigative duo, Jasmin Gerat and Lenn Kudrjawizki immerse themselves in an antiquated order in "The Ride of Death" in order to get to the bottom of a secret from the past. "Tatort" commissioner Karin Hanczewski slips into the role of a returnee who once again has to deal with traditional role models. Director Michael Kreindl filmed the screenplay by Ulf Tschauder, which offers false leads and surprising twists. Lenn Kudrjawizki's son Lior makes his film debut as a key witness in the investigation. Ana Kaleb (Karin Hanczewski), who lives in England, returns to the horse ranch with her 13-year-old son Denis (Lior Kudrjawizki) to say goodbye to her deceased fatherback to her family. However, the first reunion in nine years leads to an argument. Enraged, Ana's ex-husband Vinko (Dušan Bucan) takes the boy on a night ride without her knowledge. As the two disappear into the darkness of the steppe, shots are fired. Vinko is fatally hit in the forehead! Inspector Stascha Nowak (Jasmin Gerat) and her colleague Emil (Lenn Kudrjawizki) find it difficult to interpret the clues at the scene of the crime. Denis' distorted memories also offer little clue. From the start, Stascha senses that there are deep-seated tensions between Ana, her mother (Eleonore Weisgerber) and her brother Niksa (Sebastian Milling Village). When the head of the homicide unit is interested in why the successful veterinarian left everything here behind, she encounters disturbing connections. This is how Stascha gets on the track of further crimes.
Speed711 : I don't get the fascination with people like this and how they make billions. Bow to leper...