Set in a dangerous, alternate world where racism divides society, Noughts + Crosses follows two young people Sephy and Callum, who are divided by their colour but united by love. Sephy is a 'Cross', a member of the black ruling class and daughter of a prominent politician. Callum is a 'Nought', a white member of the underclass. The two have been friends since early childhood but their relationship grows ever more complicated as they come of age. It's the story of two families separated by power and prejudice but forever entwined by fate.

  • Currently 76.66666666666667/5
(12 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 6.3/10
Released: March 5, 2020
Genres: Drama Romance Sci-Fi
AKA: Noughts and Crosses, Noughts & Crosses
Countries: United Kingdom
Companies: BBC iPlayer
Cast: Ian Hart Paterson Joseph Helen Baxendale Shaun Dingwall Rakie Ayola Morgan Watkins Jack Rowan Jasmine Jobson Robert Hands Jonathan Ajayi Josh Dylan 5 more
Crew: Damien Timmer Ben Irving Toby Whithouse Sarah Lewis Preethi Mavahalli Kibwe Tavares Patrick Reardon Miura Kite Johann Knobel Jeff Skoll Malorie Blackman

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