The exciting story unfolds in a provincial town Trigorskoye. Unlike other famous "cops", which viewers are accustomed to seeing on the background of large cities, the heroes of our film - the inhabitants of the Russian provinces. The viewer is captured wonderful Russian heartland charm: a small house, cozy gardens, picturesque streets.However, the quiet life of law-enforcement officers can only dream of.Accustomed to go "under fire" CID officers, led by major Kolodnikov, often find themselves caught in a maelstrom of criminal events: they are threatened, trying to blackmail Their profession is dangerous to life. But always fatal the risk is justified by a sober calculation of professionals. Bandits of Trigorskoye have a hard time. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | June 1, 2007 | |
Runtime: | 45 min | |
Genres: | Drama Crime Mystery | |
Countries: | Russian Federation | |
Companies: | НТВ | |
Zooke : 12 episodes in and I have to say, if you have fond memories of this show then click on a d...