Mahoutsukai Tai! is the television series continuation from the OVA series where the members of Magic User's Club successfully defeated Bell and turned it into a giant cherry (sakura) tree. The petals from the tree apparently were causing problems for the city, hence the members of Magic User's Club once again tried to do something about it. Sae Sawanoguchi apparently made a mistake as usual while casting the spell and gave the giant tree the ability to walk by itself. The tree moved and placed itself on a mountain and they think they had solved the problem... Sae actually planted a seed for bigger problems! |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | July 7, 1999 | |
Runtime: | 25 min | |
Genres: | Action Adventure Anime | |
AKA: | Mahô tsukai tai!, Mahoutsukai Tai! | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Companies: | WOWOW Madhouse Triangle Staff Nozomi Entertainment Bandai Visual Youmex | |
dosmundos : "if" someone wakes up and declares war? Every POTUS has declared war on some other nation ...