The Rat Patrol is an American action and adventure television series that aired on ABC between 1966 and 1968. The show follows the exploits of four Allied soldiers — three Americans and one Englishman — who are part of a long-range desert patrol group in the North African campaign during World War II. Blazing across the North African deserts, this elite Allied commando team wages war against Nazis, traitors, and wild-eyed fanatics. Their mission is to attack, harass, and wreak havoc on Field Marshal Rommel's vaunted Afrika Korps, often against their enemy and nemesis, Hauptmann Hans Dietrich. The Rat Patrol characters are Sergeant Sam Troy, Sergeant Jack Moffitt, Private Mark T. Hitchcock, and Private Tully Pettigrew. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 6.2/10 | |
Released: | September 12, 1966 | |
Runtime: | 30 min | |
Genres: | Action Drama War | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | ABC United Artists Television Tom Gries Productions | |
Cast: | Christopher George Eric Braeden Gary Raymond Lawrence P. Casey Justin Tarr | |
Crew: | Ben Smith Tom Gries Lynn Stalmaster Chuck Hayward Dominic Frontiere Lee Rich Richard K. Brockway Bernard Oseransky Charles S. Thompson Paul Pollard Tony Di Marco 31 more Jack T. Collis Eric Seelig Earle Dearth Mark Weingart Eddie Imazu Stan Shpetner Pedro Vidal Tommy Edwards Recardo Hansa Dick Carruth Fred Lemoine Brick Marquard A.S.C. Richard Landau Ronald Sossi Gil Parrondo Carlos Lopez Rodero Art Cole Angel Canizares Dennis Judd Richard Carruth John Haines Jon Epstein Frank Baur Grayson Rogers Dink Templeton Henry E. Millar, Jr. Norman S. Weiser Leonard C. Kroll Jack N. Reddish Milton E. Berle Manuel Berenger, Jr. | |
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