La Casa de las Flores revolves around a seemingly successful and idyllic family-run flower business full of dysfunctional secrets. One day, the patriarch finds out his longtime mistress has suddenly passed away and he decides to bring their children into the household alongside his current wife and family who didn't know they existed. The series explores the need to protect and forgive loved ones, no matter how uncomfortable. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 7.7/10 | |
Released: | August 10, 2018 | |
Genres: | Drama Comedy | |
AKA: | The House of Flowers | |
Companies: | Netflix Noc Noc Cinema | |
Cast: | Verónica Castro Aislinn Derbez Sofía Sisniega Juan Pablo Medina Mariana Treviño Dario Yazbek Bernal Paco Leon Cecilia Suarez Sheryl Rubio Arturo Rios Claudette Maille 2 more Lucas Velasquez Luis de la Rosa | |
Crew: | Manolo Caro Diego Avalos Stacy Perskie Tesha Crawford Carlos Taibo Maria Jose Cordova Rafael Ley Perla Martínez Rodrigo Sebastian Gonzalez Mariana Arredondo | |
hants2 : another one bites the dust, canceled