Former US Attorney Harry Litman and The Daily Beast's Betsy Woodruff on Attorney General Barr threatening to cancel his testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee over issues over questioning.
New York Times Magazine's Mark Leibovich, Huff Post's Lydia Polgreen, Axios' Alexi McCammond, and MSNBC political analyst Rick Stengel on how the early 2020 Democratic field is taking on Trump as Mayor Pete meets with Rev. Al Sharpton to discuss issues important to African American voters.
New York Times Magazine's Mark Leibovich, Huff Post's Lydia Polgreen, Axios' Alexi McCammond, and MSNBC political analyst Rick Stengel on Joe Biden's 2020 campaign messages coming to the forefront at his kick-off rally in Pittsburgh.
New York Times Magazine's Mark Leibovich, Huff Post's Lydia Polgreen, Axios' Alexi McCammond, and MSNBC political analyst Rick Stengel examine the rise of hate and white nationalism in the country following another shooting at a house of worship.
BoochJohnson : How so?