NBC's Julia Ainsley, The Washington Post's Ashley Parker, former Director of the FBI Frank Figliuzzi, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General Harry Litman, and former federal prosecutor Berit Berger on AG Barr's testimony today, revealing when, where, and how much of the Mueller report will be released.
NBC's Julia Ainsley, MoveOn's Karine Jean-Pierre, and New York Times' Magazine's Mark Leibovich, the author of "Savage News" Jessica Yellin, and New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay on the new, tougher immigration policies that Trump hopes to install as he purges the Department of Homeland Security.
MoveOn's Karine Jean-Pierre, and New York Times' Magazine's Mark Leibovich, the author of "Savage News" Jessica Yellin, and New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay on Trump's Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin revealing that White House lawyers consulted people in his department over Trump's tax returns.
NBC's Julia Ainsley, former Director of the FBI Frank Figliuzzi, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General Harry Litman, MoveOn's Karine Jean-Pierre, and New York Times' Magazine's Mark Leibovich on the apparent mind meld between the Trump White House and the Department of Justice under AG Barr.
Moonshot : Contains spoilers. Click to show. I kept expected a cigarette to be flicked in a face...ala Usual Suspects.