AP's Jonathan Lemire, former federal prosecutor Berit Berger, Fordham University professor Christina Greer, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General Harry Litman, and NYT's Mike Schmidt on the first hearing to spotlight the breadth and depth of Robert Mueller's findings, where former White House counsel John Dean compared Trump's conduct to... watch
AP's Jonathan Lemire, Fordham University professor Christina Greer, WAPO's Anne Gearan, and The Bulwark's Charlie Sykes on Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg surging in a new Iowa poll as a majority of the candidates spent their weekend campaigning in the Hawkeye State.
AP's Jonathan Lemire, former federal prosecutor Berit Berger, Fordham University professor Christina Greer, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General Harry Litman, and The Bulwark's Charlie Sykes on House Democrats preparing to launch legislation that would protect our government from future foreign attacks.
AP's Jonathan Lemire, Fordham University professor Christina Greer, WAPO's Anne Gearan, and The Bulwark's Charlie Sykes on Trump declaring a deal had been made with Mexico, but reports found much of what he was talking about had been agreed to months before.
BoochJohnson : How so?