Melancholy, unmotivated Ayanokoji Kiyotaka attends his first day at Tokyo Metropoiltan Advanced Nuturing High School, a government-established institution for training a generation of Japan's best and brightest. In this school, it is said, everything is decided based on merit, which includes the generous monthly "point" allowance students can spend at local shops. As Ayanokoji begins navigating this system, he also nurtures curious relationships with aloof fellow outsider Horikita Suzune and the terminally gregarious Kushida Kikyo. |
Title: | What is evil? Whatever springs from weakness. | |
Air Date: | July 12, 2017 | |
Runtime: | 25 min | |
Genres: | Romance Comedy Anime | |
Jirido : Rosa Liksom (meaning: "just as" in Swedish) was a very "mysterious" and exiting Finish wri...