Based on the academy Award winning short film, "Bob's Birthday" created by David Fine and Alison Snowden, Bob and Margaret is an animated sitcom about a happily married couple and their two dogs (William and Elizabeth) Bob has his own dental practice, Margaret is a chiropodist. Married for 17 years, the first series (seasons 1 and 2) is set in London until they go on holiday to America and get stuck. The plane inadvertently lands in Canada due to a snowstorm. So the second series (seasons 3 and 4) are set in Canada. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 5.8/10 | |
Released: | January 1, 1993 | |
Runtime: | 30 min | |
Genres: | Comedy | |
Countries: | United Kingdom | |
Companies: | Channel 4 Comedy Central Channel 4 Television Nelvana Global Television Network Philippine Animation Studio Inc. | |
michaelmyers : wow with better actors and script i see this would made a dam good film ! .......