The story unfolds in 1946, the first year after World War 2. Crime and corruption were also rampant, and the country's law enforcement resources were stretched to the limits to protect state-owned and public property, including food crops. Severe punishments were introduced by the authorities, including prison sentences of up to ten years and even execution by firing squad. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | February 27, 2017 | |
Runtime: | 50 min | |
Genres: | Action Drama Crime | |
AKA: | Shtrafnik, Under Correction | |
Countries: | Russian Federation | |
Companies: | Первый канал Star Media | |
Cast: | Екатерина Волкова Максим Дрозд Олег Фомин Ieva Andrejevaite Кирилл Сафонов Константин Милованов Константин Гацалов | |
moongoddess : I notice the banner above still states 'in development'. Considering this mini series has ...