A comedy series about Vic Nardozza, an experienced private detective who operates out of McKay Investigative Services, an agency owned by media-savvy Brady McKay. Characters include: Kevin Blakely, a private detective who struggles to overcome his Peeping Tom fetish; Stacey Devers, an overly ambitious law enforcement professional whose by-the-book procedures clash with those of fellow detective Nardozza; and Jack, an outspoken 60-something veteran detective who believes his skills and physique are still in tip-top shape. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | October 24, 2000 | |
Runtime: | 30 min | |
Genres: | Comedy | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | NBC Castle Rock Television | |
Cast: | William Devane Bill Cobbs Tim Meadows Michael Richards Amy Farrington Solly Assa | |
Crew: | Spike Feresten Michael Richards Andy Robin Gregg Kavet | |
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