Ghosts in the Hood blends humor with the supernatural and follows a group of diverse ghost hunters as they investigate unexplained phenomena across Los Angeles. The show follows the ghost-hunting team of O.P.O. (Official Paranormal Operations), who go where other ghost hunters typically don't - from the LBC to Altadena - bringing their signature humor along with them. WE tv has produced six hour-long episodes of the series. On each episode, O.P.O. responds to two different clients in distress. Whether they live in a haunted home or run a business plagued by spirits, O.P.O. has a strong track record of resolving unexplained issues for their clients, by either proving or disproving that something paranormal is plaguing them.

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Ratings: TVMaze: No Rating
Released: January 5, 2017
Runtime: 60 min
Genres: Comedy Supernatural
Countries: United States
Companies: WE tv
Cast: Defecio Stoglin Jasmine Orpilla Dave Purdy Matty Richards Maunda Oyin

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