Digimon Adventure Tri. (Japanese: デジモンアドベンチャーtri. Hepburn: Dejimon Adobenchā Torai) is a Japanese action-adventure anime film series produced by Toei Animation. Celebrating the 15th anniversary of Akiyoshi Hongo's Digimon franchise, the six-part series serves as a direct sequel to the first two television series, Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02The films take place three years after the events of Digimon Adventure 02 and focus on the original eight DigiDestined and their Digimon partners. A mysterious anomaly has caused Digimon to become infected, leading them to become hostile and cause distortions throughout the human world. This leads to the DigiDestined being reunited with their partner Digimon in order to battle against the infected Digimon. Joined by another DigiDestined named Meiko Mochizuki and her partner Meicoomon, the DigiDestined must not only deal with the infected Digimon and the mystery behind them, but also with the responsibilities and burdens of growing up. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | November 21, 2015 | |
Runtime: | 25 min | |
Genres: | Action Adventure Anime | |
AKA: | Digimon Adventure tri.- Chapter 1: Reunion, Digimon Adventure tri.- Chapter 2: Determination, Digimon Adventure tri.- Chapter 3: Confession, Digimon Adventure tri. Determination, Digimon Adventure tri. Ketsui, Digimon Adventure tri. Kokuhaku, Digimon Adventure tri. Saikai, デジモンアドベンチャー tri., デジモンアドベンチャー tri. 第1章 再会, デジモンアドベンチャー tri. 第2章 決意, デジモンアドベンチャー tri. 第3章「告白」 | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | Crunchyroll Toei Animation Fuji Television Network | |
Cast: | Takahiro Sakurai Daisuke Namikawa Yoshimasa Hosoya Natsuki Hanae Hiroaki Hirata M.A.O Suzuko Mimori Junko Takeuchi Yuko Kaida Mutsumi Tamura Junya Enoki 12 more Chika Sakamoto Shunsuke Takeuchi Junya Ikeda Miho Arakawa Mayumi Yamaguchi Miwa Matsumoto Yuka Tokumitsu Hitomi Yoshida Katori Shigematsu Kinoko Yamada Chiaki Matsuzawa Yukiko Morishita | |
cocorific : From what I've seen, it is scheduled to be released this month. Keep an eye for it!