American-Canadian animated series about the X-Men. Contrary to the other X-men shows, the characters are teenagers instead of adults.
Dahwoodsman : I’d love to check this show out! Does anyone have links? Thanks
Skullion : So true!
Skullion : Awwww.... Gutted this has finished. Always makes me giggle... When will I next be able to ...
YouLetMeWorryAboutBlank : I liked it. 4/5
CollideDuhScope : Lol Lily, you're a hoot! 😁♥️
kronickurves : My then 70yo devout Irish Catholic Nana, went and saw TSAM at the movies when it opened ba...
AdChris : some are just too short
Alien : Check the credits.
Alien : Woohoo! Renewed for season 2
theghettophilosopher : The one i was looking most forward to was the shortest.
Dahwoodsman : I’d love to check this show out! Does anyone have links? Thanks