Halcyon is a police procedural series set in 2058 and focuses on a future world where virtual reality is as ubiquitous as smart phones are today. The series follows Julie Dover, a detective in the VR Crimes Unit, investigating the first real-life murder to take place within virtual reality. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 4.5/10 | |
Released: | September 22, 2016 | |
Runtime: | 5 min | |
Genres: | Crime Mystery Sci-Fi | |
Countries: | United Kingdom | |
Companies: | halcyonvr.com | |
Cast: | Claire Rankin Cody Ray Thompson Victor Ertmanis Lisa Marcos Michael Therriault Andrew Di Rosa Harveen Sandhu | |
shadowdragon : How did this steaming pile of garbage of a game get an episode? Oh, right, it's made by Am...