Follows the adventures of Tenchi Masaki, an ordinary teenager whose quiet life in the mountains of Okayama is shattered by the arrival of a group of alien girls. Although having a bunch of beautiful women living at home might sound like no bad thing, Tenchi soon discovers the downside to this arrangement when the girls start using their special powers to fight for his affections! |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | April 1, 1997 | |
Runtime: | 25 min | |
Genres: | Romance Comedy Anime Sci-Fi | |
AKA: | New Tenchi Muyo, Shin Tenchi Muyou!, 新・天地無用! | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Companies: | TV Tokyo | |
Cast: | Akiko Yajima Yuri Amano Masami Kikuchi Ai Orikasa Mayumi Iizuka Chisa Yokoyama Yumi Takada Yuko Mizutani Yuko Kobayashi | |
yellow_rose1 : Alister Sims makes the best Scrooge in my opinion