The first evictee brought that on themselves. The veto winner should’ve been back doored. So glad the female went. Never liked her and it confirmed as to why by the way she was talking to the HOH.
Eigyr : finally
tina180 : where is episode 14
Gnostic_Alchemist : I was expecting better
BoochJohnson : "If he succeeds in finding a pattern in prime numbers, he will hold the key to every compu...
Merrigan Able : Well that would be about 63 states (50 + 10 provinces and 3 territories)... ;) Maybe that...
maxx.black2 : John Byner is a name that I haven't heard mentioned in years...such a talent he possessed....
Farmboy41 : Hello citizen. I am still here for you to listen to whenever you need me. You can leave a ...
random000 : Really loved John. Was bummed when the show disappeared.
joules : R.I.P. George Lowe, voice of Space Ghost
random000 : Long live Super Dave. The abuse that poor guy took in the name of comedy...
The first evictee brought that on themselves. The veto winner should’ve been back doored. So glad the female went. Never liked her and it confirmed as to why by the way she was talking to the HOH.