The story revolves around a 16-year-old boy (15 at the beginning of the story) named Mahiru Shirota who likes simple things and dislikes difficult things. One day, he picks up a stray black cat he finds in the middle of the road and gives it the name Kuro (which literally translates into "black"). From this moment on, a contract between the servamp Sleepy Ash and Mahiru is formed, and Mahiru is pulled into the Servamp war between the seven deadly Servamps and their eighth sibling Tsubaki.

  • Currently 60.0/5
(2 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 4.3/10
Released: July 5, 2016
Runtime: 25 min
Genres: Action Horror Anime
AKA: サーヴァンプ
Countries: Japan
Companies: AT-X Brain's Base Platinum Vision
Cast: Yûki Kaji Yoshitsugu Matsuoka Nobunaga Shimazaki Hiro Shimono Tetsuya Kakihara Ryohei Kimura Kenjiro Tsuda Tatsuhisa Suzuki Takuma Terashima Ayumu Murase Yūki Ono 2 more

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