This UK animation show was based on the series of books about Kipper the Dog. The show debuted in the US on Nick Jr on February 8, 1999, and ran for the next four years. It also aired on CBS' Saturday morning lineup from 2000 to 2003. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | September 5, 1997 | |
Runtime: | 47 min | |
Genres: | Children | |
Countries: | United Kingdom | |
Companies: | ITV1 | |
Cast: | Martin Clunes Julia Sawalha Chris Lang | |
Crew: | Ginger Gibbons Kate Fawkes Bob Heatlie | |
SpontaneousOrder : Luisa d'Oliveira kind of saves this season. Maybe. I don't know, the Hollywood clichés are...