In 2037, a devastating tragedy in the colony forces everyone on Mars and Earth to question the mission. While the Olympus Town settlement tries to cope and continue its mission, controlling groups back on Earth struggle with a potential decision to end the mission. In the present-day documentary, commercial space company SpaceX again attempts to pioneer the rocket technology that would help mankind reach the red planet. |
Title: | Crossroads | |
Air Date: | December 18, 2016 | |
Runtime: | 60 min | |
Genres: | Drama Sci-Fi | |
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Version 1 254.9 MB | | 12 views | Report Link | ||
Version 2 254.9 MB | | 0 views | Report Link | ||
Version 3 254.9 MB | | 6 views | Report Link | ||
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expresso : Super interested in seeing this, only heard about the tombs for the first time when they s...