The story revolves around a high school girl named Fujioka Haruhi at the prestigious Ouran Academy, who stumbles upon a group of male students who have formed their own club as hosts. Accidentally breaking an antique vase, Haruhi ends up owing the club a vast amount of money, and she ends up posing as a host in order to repay her debt. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | July 22, 2011 | |
Runtime: | 30 min | |
Genres: | Romance Comedy | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Companies: | TBS | |
Cast: | Haruna Kawaguchi Yudai Chiba Yusuke Yamamoto Ryo Ryusei Manpei Takagi Shunsuke Daito Nakamura Masaya Takagi Shinpei | |
greenguy86 : Godda... what a start. Always a fantastic soundtrack.