Skullion : Flippin Eck ....... He must have a very bad case of writer's block! --- 5 years and coun...
Dante89 : Cobra Kai <3
Dis : I agree. It's been a good show so far.
hellsingfan01 : Yeah and it gets really annoying to have to keep on explaining it to them as by there own ...
grasshopper rex : One of my favorite people interviewing counter culture icons of film and music intersperse...
theghettophilosopher : Everybody talks harriet the spy and buffy but this is where i first watched Michelle T. Wi...
snazzydetritus : Right on! I was weirdly drawn to watch this show again yesterday, picked a random episode,...
alexisbits : RIP Michelle Trachtenberg.
ShinmenTakezo : Well said. Thank you.
random000 : Michelle died waay too young. ۞