This drama tells the story of Jang Ok Jung, known as Lady Jang Hee Bin, one of Korea's best known royal concubines of the Joseon Dynasty and famous for her hunger for power and ruthless plotting. However, this drama will tell a completely new interpretation of the infamous royal concubine Lady Jang Hee Bin and show the story before she became concubine and how her involvement as a fashion designer and cosmetics-maker during that era. This drama will also highlight the love story between Jang Ok Jung and King Suk Jong. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | April 8, 2013 | |
Runtime: | 65 min | |
Genres: | Drama Romance History | |
AKA: | Chang Ok-chŏng, Sarang-e salda, Jang Ok-jeong, Sarang-e salda, Jang Ok-jung, Living by Love, Jang Ok Jung, Living in Love, Jang Ok-jung, Sarang-e Salda, Living by Love | |
Countries: | South Korea | |
Companies: | SBS Story TV | |
Cast: | Lee Sang Yub Hong Soo Hyun Kim Tae Hee Jae Hee Yoo Ah In Han Seung Yun | |
Crew: | Lee Hyun Jik Lee Sung Hoon Kim Jin Geun Choi Jung Mi | |
Danfis : Denis Leary... how far have you fallen? I just hope it's a big payday