Based on the hit Capcom game series, this Ace Attorney anime follows the lives of new defense attorney Naruhodou Ryuuichi, his mentor Ayasato Chihiro and her spirit medium sister Mayoi as they work with colorful characters such as Detective Itonokogiri Keisuke to save Ryuuichi's clients from a guilty verdict. With limited evidence and logic as his only weapon, can Naruhodo turn the case around when all the odds are stacked against him? |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 5.4/10 | |
Released: | April 2, 2016 | |
Runtime: | 25 min | |
Genres: | Drama Comedy Mystery Anime | |
AKA: | Gyakuten Saiban, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, 逆転裁判, 逆転裁判 その「真実」、異議あり! | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Companies: | YTV A-1 Pictures CloverWorks | |
Cast: | Yûki Kaji Aoi Yūki Masashi Tamaki | |
Euringer : I've heard supposedly in the 70s and 80s they really spritzed up actors in action and erot...