This sitcom in named after two of the six main characters, each with a name rather suggesting the other gender: Jaqueline 'Jack' and David 'Jill' Jillefski, who gradually realize they were in love at first sight. The other main characters are brilliant but insecure med student Barto, philosopher-barman Mikey, a natural womanizer who cultivates immaturity and disarming charm, Broadway-actress-dancer Audrey, who becomes Barto's girl, and Elisa Cronkite, Jack's colleague at the TV station. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | September 26, 1999 | |
Runtime: | 60 min | |
Genres: | Drama Comedy | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | The WB 22 Cent Films The Canton Company Warner Bros. Television | |
Cast: | Sarah Paulson Justin Kirk Ivan Sergei Simon Rex Jaime Pressly Amanda Peet | |
Crew: | Dan Hiland Chris McGeary Gary D. Rogers Ed Redlich Tim Scanlan Becky Hartman Edwards Michael Pavone Rémi Aubuchon Randi Mayem Singer Mark Canton David Calloway 5 more Sandy Isaac David Michael Frank Bob Redpath Elisabeth Rudolph Roger Mussenden | |
dampyiel2200 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Funny how the uk traitors were so loyal. And the US is at each other's throats lol. It's j...