On this very merry special episode of Winter "Wipeout," contestants will show their holiday spirit as they battle the Nutcracker Sweet, Santa's Workshop and The Jingle Balls! It'll be a Pain in the Ice for "Captain Christmas," "The Human Kazoo" and a festive "Penguin" as they all compete for the ultimate Christmas Bonus. Viewers will also see the much anticipated debut of new co-host Vanessa Lachey. Will the all-new Wipeout Zone will be naughty or nice to contestants who are trying to bring home the ultimate present..a $50,000 grand prize? |
Title: | Winter Wipeout: Deck the Balls | |
Air Date: | December 8, 2011 | |
Runtime: | 60 min | |
Genres: | Comedy | |
SpontaneousOrder : I don't read books that Hollywood likes, so I will take your word for it.