This show tells the story of a secret love between Lee Hwon Kim Soo Hyun, a fictional king of Joseon, and Wol Han Ga In, a female shaman. Wol was born as Heo Yeon Woo, the daughter of a noble family who won the love of the then crown prince, Hwon. Her enemies, jealous of her family's position in court, schemed against her and wrestled away her rightful place as crown princess and nearly takes her life. Years later, an embittered Hwon meets Wol, now a female shaman who has no recollection of her past. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 7.6/10 | |
Released: | January 4, 2012 | |
Runtime: | 70 min | |
Genres: | Drama Romance Fantasy | |
AKA: | The Moon Embracing the Sun, The Moon That Embraces the Sun, The Sun and the Moon, 太陽を抱いた月 | |
Countries: | South Korea | |
Companies: | MBC Pan Entertainment | |
Cast: | Jung Il Woo Kim Soo Hyun Kim Min Seo Han Ga In | |
Dvora : I think I am going to like this show. Its fresh, funny and Canadian. :)