A devastating injury at Rygaard shakes the crew to the core and threatens to shut down production. Down in the bayou, Shelby's jet boat is back and it's time to go hunting... for logs and hogs! Up in Canada, Triack is under the gun to finish their site before their permit expires and the crew pushes things a little too far. Down in Florida, Greg Chapman and Swilley get into a battle and Swilley quits the Chapman team. But over at the Dreadknots, a new crew member shows up and helps increase production immediately. And in Wyoming, the Zitterkopfs are worn out from a long, hard season... and while David's off delivering a load of logs to the mill, Zane and Khaymon take a breather by playing a little known game... "Tractor-Jousting".
Terrifying Timber : Good News! Per thestreamable.com, a much requested new season has been confirmed. Jason S...