With only 5 days left in the season, the swamp is blindsided by a cold front sweeping across Louisiana, bringing a punishing frigid rain. When temperatures drop, gators run for cover, and the hunters will have to chase them down. R.J. and Jay Paul are at a spot where R.J.'s betting gators will be on the move. But the front brings strong high winds, and their airboat isn't equipped to handle them. All season Junior Edwards has run a two-boat operation, but today he's reuniting the Edwards "A" Team. Willie is back at his father's side, and the duo is hoping their combined experience will help them track down gators. Bruce is anxious about the weather because his hunting grounds border Lake Pontchartrain. Even a few inches of rain can cause the lake to overflow, and force the gators to look for freshwater further inland. Troy's sons are hoping they can have a big day despite the cold front. They've got a secret weapon--a special bait to lure gators from hiding.
grasshopper rex : My pleasure.