With their lives of luxury a distant memory, there is no pampering for the celebrities now as the first Bushtucker Trial looms.
GeminiSaga : the "werewolf" stuff is just a metaphor
Bcflyzz : enjoyed it, but needs a remake
yellow_rose1 : Good luck to you and your sisters.
yellow_rose1 : your sister sounds like her mind isn't well. It would be beneficial if you could get her s...
magically_delicious : I actually watched this back when it came out in 2018 and it struck a cord with my family ...
elin : Glad you liked it!
MP8219 : Couldn't agree more. It's actually infuriating that a handful of people have held back the...
cocorific : Thanks for bringing it to my attention! I'd heard of it but never saw it. Oh man this wa...
akoxi : my favorite scifi comedy,this thing was running from 1988 to 2020,love it
GeminiSaga : the "werewolf" stuff is just a metaphor