Following Genta Igarashi's sudden transformation into Kamen Rider Vail, Igarashi siblings discovers they are Giff's descendants by birth through their father. Because of their inner demons' connection with Giff grows stronger during recent demon incidents, the Igarashi siblings continues to be anxious. As Daiji is about to suffer a similar serious anxiousness as what Vail did to Genta, he must face Kagero by himself, while George develops Holy Wing Vistamp in hoping helping them overcome their anxiety. Meanwhile, Aguilera decided to eliminate Orteca once and for all after learning Sakura's bloodlines as well making an ultimate choices despite Julio's objections. |
Title: | Showdown! Farewell!? The End of Darkness and Light | |
Air Date: | March 13, 2022 | |
Runtime: | 30 min | |
Genres: | Action Adventure Sci-Fi | |
tardisrider : this is hilarious Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore has the seord and the stone poster ...