Will loves being outdoors and Ralf worries about the environment, so they want to explore if they could give up their creature comforts to live in harmony with nature. Heading to an off-grid eco village in deepest Wales, Will and Ralf make a pit stop to have lunch in a seemingly regular restaurant. But much to Will's dismay, the dishes on the menu all have one common ingredient in them - insects. Will's brain is fried by the cricket tacos, but he is delighted to receive a badge for his efforts to eat it. Finally, they arrive in Wales and their eco-village hosts Shanti and Greg welcome the boys into their idyllic seeming world. Here they forage for food, sit around campfires, and escape the pressures of modern life. It's calming and idyllic, until the guys need to answer the call of nature. Although appalled by the realities of an off-grid toilet, they do learn a life-hack for a better, more satisfying defecation. Despite the bathroom arrangements, Will and Ralf are quite taken with the idea of living in the wild, but are aware they'll need some practical skills to survive. Meeting Will Lord, a Stone Age survival expert, they learn to make weapons, hunt with arrows, and make fire from scratch – and hardest of all for Will – sleep out under the stars. But with no roof and some mysterious noises in the dark, can they make it through a night in the wild?
To Be Determined
Kardat : Huge fan of Bill since his first couple of CD's and his legendary beatdown on Philly. I pu...